Jim Thompson Kites

Where You Can Find Jim's Kites

Only three galleries in the state carry Jim's kites currently:

Gallery at the Vault
Original Jim Thompson Kites can be found at the
Gallery at the Vault
68 Main Street, Springfield, Vermont.

The Vault Storefront

NEK Artisans Guild
Original Jim Thompson Kites can be found at the
Northeast Kingdom Artists' Guild
430 Railroad Street, St. Johnsbury, Vermont.

NEK Artisans Guild

Artisans' Gallery
Original Jim Thompson Kites are also at the
Artisans' Gallery
on Bridge Street in Waitsfield, Vermont.

Artisans' Gallery

Contact: Jim(AT)kitesbyjim.com to order a kite on consignment!
Got a favorite animal, pet, character, hero, musician, or loved one
that you would like to fly and/or hang on your wall?
Makes a great one-of-a-kind gift!
